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The future(s)
need all of us.

​The story of a 1 year Expedition leading from the Future
to discover powerful ways of Making A Difference today


In a nutshell

The Story

Once upon a time (around the year 2023), humanity crossed critical tipping points, causing irreversible harm to our planet. This led to a catastrophic chain of events, turning most of us into climate refugees. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. As power shifted away from centralized authorities and technology advanced, a new civilization arose: The Earth Citizens. Freed from the need to work for a living, these citizens were empowered to focus on healing the earth and creating a more prosperous and fair world.

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As the world continues to grapple with the devastating effects of climate change, the story of Armand and Alva offers a glimpse into the lives of Swedish Climate Refugees. Father and daughter, as they wake up on a typical morning year 2053, preparing for a new day in a world that has been forever changed by the consequences of inaction.

the journey



From Guerilla installed Base Camps greeting political executives as Climate refugees, to hyper contextual emergency evacuation Simulations. And a  reimagined democratic system launched as a decentralized App on National Election Day Now turned into a Film


What is a Future Prototype

& Why do it?


“Objects/immersive experiences from the future, on visits to the present that aim to create thoughts, feelings & discussion about which society we want in the future and how we best get there” i.e. Supports us to make smarter, more informed strategic decisions.



 The Way Out

 Based on a true story of what life might look like year 2053.




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We won't solve today's challenges with the same mindset or decisionmakers that created them. Instead of departing from the status quo and decisions about the future of many being taken by a few - we need Everyone re-imagine to re-build a different system. Humans where the ones who created society in the first place, thus we are the only ones who can change it. 


One way of democratizing the future is to bring alternative future scenarios to visit in the present. To make huge topics such as democratic and climatic development tangible we seek to shift the overwhelming or distant - to near and accessible. To be able to let go of the probable, to imagine the possible. The preferable. 


When we can litterally walk into alternative futures - thoughts, feelings & discussion emerge around which society we want - and don't want. From that place of experience and insight,  we can make much smarter, more informed, grounded and strategic decisions. Consciously creating the future, rather than reacting on it when it arrives. 


This is why we built a Climate Refugee Tent in the middle of a Political SummitAnd a decentralized government app launch at the National Election Day. It's why we built a Financial Prototype designed to make people want what the planet need: A passive income, a UBI, based on the wellfare of the actual ground beneath their feet. And it is why we made the first ever film (to our knowing) showing the everyday life of Swedish Climate Refugees; Armand and Alva. Father and daughter. 



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But Why a film? and all these tools?

“We need Everyone, not just the elite, to re-imagine and re-create a different system. A robust forecast is a collective endeavor; a product of collective intelligence.”

The films = because we need to bring the potential cost of inaction and value of success closer. The Tools = to move forward with the energy, we need to channel it. 

“When we work building peace out of conflict, we work with building a future that is radically different from our present and past.


If we are able to step out of today’s conflict and into an open and yet undiscovered landscape of alternative futures; from war to peace - we can begin to understand what is possible.” 


/Tessa Finlev, Peace Symposium, Sudan in 2015. 


Once upon a time Humans pushed past the threshold of irreversible damage to the planet (around the year of 2022 ish). Triggering a series of events that turned most of us into climate refugees. 


Very gloomy and doomy. 

However, as with most great stories, there is a silver lining… 


With the dissolving of most country borders, and the rapid advancement of bio(logical) UBI, Earth saw the rise of a new and rather prosperous civilization; The Earth Citizens.

the story


"På årsdagen för Amelias försvinnande passar vi på att hylla hennes och hennes man Armand’s gärningar för Medborgarna. Deras gemensamma forskning och arbete för utvecklandet av fredsbyggande planetära distribuerade tjänster, mest kända för The Citizen Stake Stock, gav hopp och praktiska, kraftfulla steg framåt. Låt oss hedra deras insats genom att fortsätta deras arbete. " meddelandet spelas upp om och om igen för Armands inre när han rör om i gröten. 



Read the original text that birthed the prototype >> 


The Citizen Stake Stock featured in "Framtidsbloggen": 


Task Forces and a Biological UBI:

Climate Refugee Base Camp at Almedalen


The Earth Citizen App: Decentralized Governance launched on National Election Day

Decentralised Power


the artefacts


the object that enables us to touch the future.  Signs of Change, Building Blocks of Muselium, Hydroponic Farms, Books of events yet to happen, Spies-Species generated electricity and radios

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A Street Sign System, Migrating to a full Certification & Labeling System: For food, Voting, UBI Payouts, Transport, and more

About Signs for Change & Radical Norms

Cutting edge Mucelium Blocks & Solar Lamp & Poster
Turned inspirational relics from the past that hints of thin fabric energy capturing systems


About Sally EY Doberman, and their Future Manefistation Lab

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Species - Species Radios. Built in Cordoba. Publicated 2012


About Martin Avila, and his work on Hospitality Hostility & Design 

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6 emergency alarms

1 individual simulation

1 collective simulation 

5 radio messages 



The sound 


the journey



From Guerilla installated Base Camps greeting political executives as Climate refugees, to hyper contextual emergency evaquation simulations. And a  reimagined democratic systems launched as a decentralized app on National Election Day Now turned into film. 


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3 Think Tanks: 

Signal Scanning, Testing Artefacts, Simulation Take over Movie Making

2 Base Camp Installations 

Almedalen Blekinge Campus

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the research


This is project is not only based in research, but has also sprung new research. >> The Guides 

"It is not about predicting the flying car, but understanding the potential traffic jams"


Continous Climate Collapses 

The future scenario and world, in which this prototype and film takes place

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Decentralised Power

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Alternative Welfare Systems, UBI pilots: 

Brazil, Namibia, India, Mongolia, Iran, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria


Alternative ways of mobilizing/decision making: 

DAO; enablings multiple parallel rapid petridishing of democratic systems beyond countryboarders 


Alternative Financial Systems;

Kenya, El Salvador, Argentina, Malaysia, Maricá


Alternative Legal Systems: 

Ecuador, New Zealand, Bolivia 


Regeneration beyond do-no-harm/net positive; 

life affirming paradigms

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the people


This ...

"Humans were the ones who built the system in the first place, thus we are the only ones who can change it. "

 MAD Friends & Pioneers 
those who voyage with us 

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big Questions
& bold ideas?!

 just drop us a line >> 

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